Sick Notify

Have a new notification design for your fivem server

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Do you want to buy this script ?

This script is available for QBCore, ESX & Standalone Framework.

Step 1 - Extracting the files

Extract the downloaded resource from into your resources folder.

Step 2 - Configure the script

Inside of the config.lua, you can find the configuration.

Step 3 - Running the script

Add ensure tp-sicknotifyto your server's configuration file server.cfg

ensure tp-sicknotify

Exports functions

You can simply modify the menu and adapt it for other scripts.

exports['tp-sicknotify']:Alert('type', 'text', 5000) -- Function
TriggerClientEvent("tp-sicknotify", source, 'type', 'text', 5000) -- Trigger event

Last updated

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